Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Twitter Phenomenon and New Technology

This Twitter Phenomenon is a funny one. Ever since I heard about that news story in America where members of the public were able to see something and broadcast using their twitter accounts before regular mainstream news desks, was impressive, to say the least. It proved we have moved on heaps and bounds into a modern age where consumer becomes news reporter. News travels with new technology faster than even the press! The sheer power and control people have and more importantly the technology we have at our finger tips is changing interaction and speed of communication. The twitter news story opened my eyes to the reality and that was it. This idea was never something that I could have even perceived true but it seems people trust Twitter and so I joined.

It is the best thing ever! And I can assure you I'm not one to follow the crowd but had to admit this was revolutionary. The ability to connect with anyone around the world and share your thoughts instantly with the added benenfit of security and privacy, it proved a great networking tool. If your an actor or anyone in any field you get so much opportunity to talk about anything, anytime and it takes seconds to post straight from your phone! Phones were at home are now mobile and part of life. If I forget my blackberry it almost feels like I left myself. I don't think it's too extreme or dramatic but it's true. Technology has advanced.

Almost 20 years ago, Twitter was never truly realised or would be conceivable much the same as the mobile phone. What is the future for new technology? How far are we going with it and what will it be like in 10 to 20 years time?  Biometric technology and eye scanning are already underway but it's interesting the speed of change. Where will this take us and for those less technologically savvy, it could be a nightmare? or a brain melt-down.

In anycase, technology will no doubt evolve and integrate with our every day lives, as good design and technology should but will we lose the great part of human interaction and communication? Human interaction and how we use this technology is the fundamental question. Future dictated by technology or should we strive for equilibrium?

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